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On-Going Events

John Mc Evoy has been our champion of this noble cause for years.  New Eyes provides a basic pair of single or lined bifocal lenses for individuals who have no other resources with which to obtain a basic pair of eyeglasses. 


Please, look for the donation box on our inside lounge.


Thank you.

Phone cards for Hospitalized Vets


From Grand Knight Dick Rieger, Council 4969:


Want to help a good cause? There are hundreds of wounded soldiers and Marines that are in the hospital and won't be going home for Christmas. You can help by buying phone cards and sending them to the hospitals. Wal*Mart sells a 1-hour phone card for $4.72


Here are the addresses for the Army and Navy hospitals.


Walter Reed Medical Center
6900 Georgia Ave. NW
Washington, DC


Rear Admiral Adam Robinson (MC) USN
Commander, NNMC
8901 Wisconsin Ave.
Bethesda, MD


These people have given so much, a phone card or two isn't much payback but it will sure help.


Jim Warrick
USN Ret.




Do you have an old, unused cellphone taking up space in a drawer or box? Hate to throw out and add to a landfill somewhere.


The Union Knights of Columbus 4504 is a registered drop-off site for Cell Phones for Soldiers. A non-profit organization dedicated to providing cost-free communication services and emergency funding to active duty military members and veterans.


Since 2004 more than 25 million cellphones were recycled and 400 million minutes of air time were given to servicemen and women deployed around the world.  Tablets and MP3 players are also accepted.


Contact Len Komar Jr for any questions


There is a donation box in our lounge.  Thank you.


If you're looking for other ways to thank soldiers, try, a site that allows soldiers to post their needs and wants and provide addresses. Browsing through the requests is fun; lots of good pictures and stories. It really gives you a sense of what these men and women are going through and reminds you that many of them are just regular kids who'd just like a Twinkie and a magazine now and then. I sent a couple of lotion and pedicure sets to a pair of female Marines for Christmas who requested "anything girly!"

Tom Mahoney Park

Please Support
Our Veterans !

Luke Sangiamo.................................Real Estate


1034 Jeanette Avenue        Union, New Jersey 07083         (908) 686-4504

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